
Luc Bigé

Dr. es Sciences (biochemistry), Luc Bigé spent a few years tracking the enzyme inhibitor in research laboratories (INRA and then the University of San-Francisco) before asking himself why rather than continuing to examine the "how".

Luc tells us how he got there.

I was lucky enough in my teenage years to follow a dual path. While preparing a doctoral thesis in biochemistry, a thesis that would later lead me to fundamental research, I became very interested in the symbolism of astrology at the age of 14. I thus became familiar with two languages and two forms of thought: that of science, with its rigorous method, the use of systematic doubt as a safeguard against easy interpretations, the importance of the constantly renewed dialogue between theory and practice. At the same time, I realised the gulf that separates science from its mediatisation, and how researchers are often — and rightly — much more cautious than the 'knowers' about the belief that all problems will be solved by more techniques, more knowledge and more money to fuel research.

The second form of thinking gradually developed through the learning and use of astrological language, notably through the work of Jacques Berthon, Alexander Ruperti, Dane Rudhyar and Liz Green. I then discovered this system was not a simple superstition but was based on 'laws'. And above all that it gave convincing results. We write 'laws' in inverted commas because they cannot be formulated in mathematical terms like the equations of physics. And then, from the stars to the gods and mythology, there was only one more step since, from the earliest times, each planet was given the name of a god: Venus, Mars, Jupiter...

I have always wondered if it was possible to create bridges between these two fields of knowledge. This blog is the fruit of this long reflection, which also includes 'shamanic' explorations in South America and meetings with spiritual masters in India.

Why "Reenchant the World"?

Today, our technical knowledge has become unequalled. To avoid living in this soulless world, we need discovering a sensible world order and our place in it. This was the programme of Descartes, who compared philosophy to "a tree, whose roots are metaphysics, whose trunk is physics, and whose branches are all the other sciences." Today, the trunk and branches are explored with unprecedented finesse, and the roots are left untended.

In fact, no one is re-enchanting the world, it is only a question of how we look at it. The utilitarian eye makes nature useful, the poetic vision makes it beautiful and luminous. Today, it is no longer enough to improve our technical knowledge; we must also discover a sensible order for the world and our place in it. A project of which only the first step is being accomplished, and with what brilliance! Today, this immense success, which is leading us straight into deadly psychological and planetary imbalances, should be complemented by a "Treatise on the Mythode", a nice expression we borrowed from Gilbert Durand. That is, to explore the imaginary world, that invisible reality which is like the celestial root of visible things. In these unknown spaces, myths and legends flourish; the sources of inspiration for creators, inventors and mystics; plant spirits; undines and the soul of the World. This universe, which all cultures, with the notable exception of our own, have explored, has the power, for those who come into contact with it, to arouse joy and to transform them profoundly. It is to this exploration that we wish to dedicate this site, based on our work in symbolism, but also by devoting spaces to the various initiatives that "re-enchant the world", whether in the arts, politics, literature, economics, inner development or science. More in-depth training is offered on this site, in the "University" section.

First, we will see how and why it is useful to replace the Treatise on Method with a "Treatise on Myth." If scientific language wonderfully decodes the material and objective dimension of reality, as soon as it comes to values its criteria of truth no longer work. A new language and another logic are needed: symbolic languages and analogical thinking.

Then we will enter two of the many analogical models that shape the nature of the world of meaning: astrology and Greek mythology.

We will then be able to read the real world not only in mechanical terms but also in a fine perception of its meaning and messages at the heart of history, personal life, the human body and biology. Other themes will be developed as we go along, like ethics and the meaning of pathologies.

The real world is not only a puzzle whose pieces need to be put together to discover a coherent image, it is also a mystery that can only be experienced by consciousness. Our face symbolically bears two eyes, that of reason and that of the perception of the unmanifest. When they are equally open, our presence in the world finds its roots, its trunk, its branches and its peaks: its depth and its heights.

Translated and adapted from Luc Bigé's by @SatyamAstro/Nicolas Roessli and supported by